Luxuria Maris

Make the most of a second chance.

Name: Luxuria Maris, prefers "Lux."
Age: 31
Gender: Cis Male, He/Him pronouns
Height: 7'1"
Weight: ~280 lbs
Eyes: Maroon with ruby red limbal rings.
Body Type: Broad, athletic, muscular.
Hair: Short. Jet black throughout.
Voice Description: Lux talks in a lax, gravelly voice. His animated expressions and motions help provide a little extra inflection. Compare to: Spike Spiegel.
Birthplace: The Azim Steppe.
Name Day: 12th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon (Nov. 11)
Family: Formerly of the Tumet Clan.
Languages: Common/Hyuran, Elezen, Old Auri Tongue/Xaela Tongue, Hannish, Doman/Hingan, Common Sign, and Hingan Sign. Studying Bozjan (2/5 stars) and Turali languages (.5/5 stars).
Education: Studium alumni with a focus on survival and a side of foreign language.
Romance/Sexuality: Demiromantic / Demisexual. Friend focused. Long term.

Dislikes: The ocean and anything to do with it. Ghosts and hauntings. The Steppe at large.
Likes: Job security, reading, history, making people laugh, story swapping.
Favorites: FOOD, learning, his beloved chocobo- Honey, adventuring, work endeavors with others, and watching the light leave people's eyes when he delivers the best one-liner.
Hobbies: Traveling, crafting, his job at large is a hobby for him, writing poetry (mixed genres but favors flyting), and working out.
Occupation: Primarily, he is a Studium alumni and Senior Gleaner for the guildship in Sharlayan while acting as mentor to an apprentice. On the side, he is a freelance tradesman with ties to a trading company and a bounty company, and a barista.
Private Indulgence: All flyting or general recitation performances are for himself and none else. It's a skill he developed to contend with the charcuterie board of negative feelings he stewed in for years, and now serves as a form of expression that he embraces in the security of private walls, likely in front of a mirror or laying down after a long day. In short terms, he is a poet and yes, he does rap.

Timeline // Last updated August 27th, 2024For a solid list of hooks, please refer to the "Hooks" page. These items might fuel a few rumors at best.If you feel your character may have crossed paths with Luxuria at some point, please talk with me about it so we can make sure or coordinate. Do not assume your character knows Lux already, and please understand I reserve the ability to decline the proposal if need be.

Let's keep this short and sweet.
Timeline of Travel:
> Azim Steppe for 10 years
> > > At his 10th summer, he underwent the Tumet Clan's trial to assess his ability to be independent and survive. If he could track down the clan and make it back, then he could remain. If not, then he was left behind. As it were, desperation and strife made him opt to leave as he felt he was always underperforming by Tumet standards. He was by no means strong or adept with melee and his arcane abilities weren't predictable.
> The Ruby Sea for 7 years
> > > Joined the Confederacy immediately after leaving the Steppe and learned the ways of a sailor as well as merchant facilitation and of course, pirating.
> > > This was at the peak of the Imperial Occupancy's beginning, and with a rising sense of self-preservation, he unceremoniously abandoned his post and feigned his way onto a ship to Kugane, then to Limsa. The deception was smooth.
> Limsa for 2 months
> > > Given his skill with deception, he proceeded to adopt the role of a pirate on a new vessel, working like he was a pro with the role and taking full advantage of the pay in the short time he was with them.
> > > He slipped away when at port in Vesper Bay after hearing talk of Ul'Dah being heavy in wealth.
> Ul'dah for 4 years
> > > The city is definitely not heavy in wealth.
> > > Joined a cult he met outside of the city to hone his magic capabilities. Their mentality sounded like the Dotharl, who had very successful casters, so he adhered to their teachings.
> > > He learned a lot! Improved his control and power over what he came to learn was Black magic. With the promise of more, he took on White with them as well, however it was taught just as untraditionally. This led to crimes. Crimes lead to more crimes.
> > > Confided in someone that he's afraid to part ways with the people who've taught him as they would likely come for him.
> > > Authorities and the cult are both in pursuit of him. For information or snuffing him out respectively. He fled to Eastern Thanalan, blindly trying to shake his trail by heading into The Black Shroud.

> Gridania for 5 years
> > > He laid low for a short time among the Redbellies. Caused them issues he was not skilled with hunting.
> > > Eventually apprehended by the Wood Wailers, who turned him over to the Adders when they realized his bounty. The Adders reluctantly offered him succor in exchange for crucial information on his former affiliates to help the Flames eradicate the cult.
> > > He complied with the terms, but his name wasn't cleared easily. A monitored, provisionary state of arrest is put in place. He is given over to the leatherworking guild as the guildmaster is tough and would put him through the ringer.
> > > Over time, he enjoyed developing a skill that made him feel needed and even brought him an income. This quickly turned into taking on as many trades as possible.
> > > Despite this strained asylum in the city-state, his paranoia grew. He knew very well how deceptive and quick witted his former affiliates could be, and stressed often about odd circumstances that felt like he was being toyed with.
> > > In his 3rd year in Gridania, he picked up the art of gunbreaking. It's the last thing he thought he'd do as he was never strong enough or adept with melee, but he was stubborn to prove he could. At least to himself but partly in spite of the Tumet Clan and to keep himself safe if the cult ever actually came for him for turning them in.
> Old Sharlyan for 4 years
> > > Wanting to develop his skills further and pursue more lucrative opportunities while distancing himself from Eorzea, he set for the Studium. Again, he aimed for something he was convinced from a young age he would never be able to to, driving forward relentlessly. Once he finished with his studies and graduated, he remained to offer his services to the faculty and student body as a Senior Gleaner and mentor. His eyes are set on the Archon title sometime in the future.
> > > In developing his network from here, he has becoming a walking job board for his trusted contacts as well as an adept entrepreneur with a keen mentality to help those who are making the most of their second chances as well.
This brings us to present time.

All gposes in this carrd were taken by me except for row four's third image (credit to Sigrid Igdrasel).
Last updated Jan 17, 2024

Credit to Sigrid Igdrasel

Hooks // Last updated August 27th, 2024

"You lookin' for work?"
Lux picks up work regularly from the Gleaner's guildship in Sharlayan. While these are typically be done solo, he may pick up a job that requires a little more skill than what he has. Lux does hire mercenaries and other freelance adventurers, and he pays handsomely for it.
My DM'd adventures are strictly given after Lux has come to know your character and what their goals are, their interests, their assets, etc. He can't just hire anyone for these tasks. These can range from one person missions up to 3, and are done on a whim.

"Contacts: What is Lux looking for?"
He's a simple man looking for long term friends. This entrepreneur is also looking for business partners or customers! Networking is never a lost opportunity. Join his long list of "I think I know a guy!"
"Do you always talk this much?"
Luxuria talks a lot and language barriers don't hold him back! If your character speaks in a different language with him or in passing, he'll match your language if 1.) it seems like it would make things easier or more comfortable, 2.) it's for business or privacy, 3.) it's to act as a translator or 4.) he thinks it'd be cute.
"An ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances..."
Luxuria considers himself a harbinger of misfortune, repeatedly getting the short end of the stick or passing that deficit of luck to those around him. His time at sea has made him largely superstitious and his festering paranoia after deserting a life of crime has worsened it.
Despite his best efforts to stay out of trouble and away from the supernatural, he finds himself stumbling into it regardless--so much so, that he's begun to study the mysteries of the veil. This has not lessened his wary mindset towards bakemono and the like however.He's also typically in the worst place as the right time, and will find himself woven into the most dire of circumstances in this star's timeline."Redemption and recovery arc."
It's been 11 summers since Lux left behind his days of hard crime and of generally being a smear on the walkways of dingy, dark alleys of Ul'Dah. The chances your Ul'Dahn based criminal character/Ul'Dahn local law enforcement character might recognize him as a threat, snitch, or asset are low, but not zero.

"Venue work?"
Did you meet Lux while he was working a bar or vending goods at another event/festival? Congrats, you've found his fast-gil hustle! If you're looking for a venue to visit but you're IC or OOC shy about not knowing anyone, Lux is happy to provide you with a safe space at his bar top.
"Tumet tribe? Never heard of 'em."
Luxuria is a ritual exile of the Tumet for his failure to complete the trial of his 10th summer, which was over 20 years ago for him. Thus, he never received a name or a place in the tribe. He picked his own name and path after defecting from the trial in desperation to survive anywhere else. The chances you recognize him now (if you are a Tumet) are slim but not zero.
"Do you have the Echo? Aethersight?"
Lux's aether is a myriad of contorted energies of deep red that may seem suppressed depending on how keen your aethersense is.
If he triggers a past-memory based Echo, you may witness 1.) a sacred tree unlike anything in Eorzea surrounded by hardened youth or 2.) the visual of Lux uncharacteristically wroth and teeming with destructive magic. For an EW memory, you may see Lux running with three others through a jungle with the sky on fire and Blasphemies all around. For a DT memory, you may see Lux with one very large Xaela protecting him during the attack by Zarool Ja's forces. Specifically, he appears to be in Shaaloni when it happens.If he triggers a future-sight based Echo, you may witness 1.) the man visibly struggling with unseen pain, magic sparking uncontrollably from him with an expression that straddles the line of pained restraint and manic thrill or 2.) the visual of him standing on a cliff that overlooks the Steppe, unmoving in his thoughts.

Out of Character Info:Name: "Lux," so long as it's clear we are OOC.
Pronouns: They/them, he/him
Age Restrictions: Minors, IC or OOC, do not interact. 21+.
Data Center: Crystal // Zalera, can travel. CST.
RP Style: Para, Multi Para. Lore-abiding but flexible within reason.
RP Themes: Mature themes are possible. Dark themes can be discussed in private.
I will NOT be party to anything to do with hypnosis or mind control. I will politely bow out. If the situation arises, we can discuss the details in private since there are nuances.
IC=/=OOC. I will drop interest so fast.
Lux is looking to make friends. If you feel a friendship can be there, we love to see it. Bless. However, Lux is a slow burn to the highest degree, and not actively seeking romantic/sexual relationships. It should not need to be said, but here we are: You do not decide what is slow burn for Lux. I do. I will not take questions on this.Mental health and comfort come first. I will withdraw contact if I see a need to. I will retcon if I need to.Gpose Credit: All gposes in this carrd were taken by me unless otherwise stated.The entirety of this carrd is subject to change when I see a need to.
Last updated April 21, 2024

Corporate wants you to tell the difference between these two photos.
They're the same photo.

So Lux handed you his business card?
If he gives you his business card, it's an open-ended offer and a way to easily give you a hook to contact him whenever, not a sealed contract. He will NEVER force a sale, and I won't write him that way. You'll never have to worry about him being the uncomfortably pushy salesman.
"What does it mean to rp sales IC or OOC?"
An IC sale interaction is when we roleplay the exchange with strictly rp items and rp gil. If your character is filthy rich IC but you are not actually a casual gillionaire OOC, this is a good way to flex. No real items are handed over but you have the item needed for the purposes of rp.
An OOC sale interaction is when we roleplay the exchange, BUT we deal with actual items and gil. Lux can and will provide real items if there is a legitimate interest. So if he's selling furniture you actually want and it's at a price you like, you will walk away with the actual item. Lux's prices are based on Universalis reporting: I consider Data Center-wide.His personal vending operation is Lux's Luxuries, which focuses on sundries, furnishings, draconic flair, and seasonal souvenirs of the Far East.

"So he's a Gleaner? What's that?"
This is his primary job, everything else is a side hustle.
His running gag explanation of a Gleaner is, "Think like...a merc, but for knowledge?? That's oversimplifying, but it's not wrong." They do a wide array of field work and collection of samples of all kinds from all over, and some Gleaners have specializations or fields of study they're adept in. Lux's specialties are investigation and extreme survival.Depending on my creative spoons, I do write and DM missions. While majority of his work is done solo, some of the jobs Lux takes from the guildship need more than just him for one reason or another. For these harder endeavors, he'll hire folks to help out. However, Lux must know your character well enough and talk it out with them in-character before it goes anywhere. He can't just hire anyone after all.

Last updated April 21, 2024

Regarding crime: Unlucky in life.
Lux is the sort to obliviously make friends with a villain and will find himself in a position of these 'very friendly people' asking him for seemingly harmless favors. However, paranoia keeps him on his toes the moment he sees signs of trouble. The man has done well to stay away from crime this past decade.
Regarding crime: The power of money.
Lux definitely recognizes the power of money! Hush money is not a new concept for him. When faced with an amount that's large enough with no context, he's compliant. He's snitched once and just started to turn his life around, he'll be damned if he risks it all now.
However, if he's interrogated and/or threatened for information about something he's seen or heard, Lux is Neutral and looking out for himself. His aid goes to the highest bidder.Regarding crime: Lying.
From his past life of crime, Lux is intended to be extraordinarily adept at lying and acting, but this is typically done with a /random 20 at your consent. If consenting, I will then ask if it may be done with advantage, but this depends on how you feel about your character's perception.

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Rin Softmoon

Lux and Rin are a tight pair of friends and get along like fire - Which is unfortunately how they met. In a major disaster overseas, the two happened to be in the wrong place at the right time together. They teamed up to rescue as many people as they could safely manage from the flames engulfing the world around them, escaping with their lives in tact but heavy loss on the mind. Lux considers himself Rin's personal hype man and will forevermore cheer for him.

Ga'Ishir Tia

Nothing validates your successes in life like someone coming to you for mentorship. Ga'Ishir was one of many who fled the very same disaster Lux and his friends narrowly escaped from, but this Miqo managed to find his own way only to be met with a few roadblocks: money, work, and education. Lux determinedly helped him enroll as a Studium student by acting as a sponsor and now tutors him as a fellow Gleaner in botany, minerology, and survival as well as business.

Ga'Nemyth Tia

Nemyth is equal parts valued customer and cherished friend. Rin was acting as Nemyth's bodyguard in a major disaster before things got out of hand. Rin and Lux helped Nemyth escape from the burning area alongside other refugees. Lux bore witness to a lot of losses that day, but nothing was as impressionable as Nemyth's tale. Now, Nemyth is a student with the Studium (EW spoiler) and partakes in the budding study of akasa with Lux as a key source of rare materials.

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Gerelt Kahkol

What Lux lacks in strength, Gerelt has it in spades. As business partners, Lux has consistently turned to Gerelt for bodyguard services, paying the man in gil...but mostly in food. As friends, while it may not appear they mesh due to the larger man's stoicism and monosyllabic approach, Luxuria considers Gerelt a treasure. He's seen Gerelt at his lowest point and at his highest. Lux isn't a fighter, but given a chance, he'd fight for Gerelt in a heartbeat.

Last updated Dec 30, 2023

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Sigrid 'Siri' Igdrasel

Sigrid was the third and final person Lux met in the overseas disaster. The battle dancer helped turn the tides and showed Rin and Lux through the area with ease. Nemyth was native to the area but indisposed, so it was a stroke of luck they managed to find a local war vet to help them out. Lux dedicates a portion of his studies afield to exploring palette whetting options for Siri as their sense of taste is lost. Image credit to Sigrid Igdrasel.

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Arlan Dotharl

A mercenary for hire, Arlan has been nothing short of a fantastic friend and adventuring accomplice to Lux. His stoicism isn't the sort that comes off as cold but...oddly controlled. Maybe a little too self-mitigated, but a unique calm he attributes to the man. He's a good, warm energy that Lux thrives on and finds to be grounding--So much so that the rare occasions he makes Arlan laugh are immediate wins for Lux, and he's come to want the sound around more often.